Host Families
Support & Enrichment
Every summer, college baseball players from across the country come to Redding for two months of intense competition in a minor league-like atmosphere. You and your family have the opportunity to host one of these young athletes.
Players begin arriving in late May at the end of their college semester and season, and stay until the beginning of August. As a host, we ask you to provide sleeping quarters, personal storage space, and meals when your player is not on the road (note that nearly all summer games are played locally). An occasional ride to practice or games may be necessary if the player assigned to you does not have transportation, and when another team member is unable to assist.
The player you host is expected to live by your house rules, help with appropriate chores, and spend quality time with your family when not required to be with the team. In return you will receive passes to Redding Colt 45s home games and all promotional events. Also, any young ballplayer in your household may attend our youth camp as our guest.
Your family will likely create a lifelong bond with your player through unique experiences and valued memories.
If this sounds like something you and your family would like to experience please contact us or fill out the questionnaire below.
Host Family Guidelines Questionnaire
Read first-hand what it is like to be a host family, courtesy of Kari Chatin!

The Chatin’s with their host player, Ryan Joyce from Summer 2015.
Q: Why did your family decide to become a Colt 45s host family? “We decided to host for a few reasons: we have a younger son that I thought having a college age ball player in the house would be a great example of where you can take your skill level if you stay dedicated to something. Also, coming from a large family, I love having the extra ‘kids’ around.”
Q: What is your favorite part about hosting? “My favorite part about hosting is meeting new people. It’s always nice to expand your circle of friends, and once they’ve lived with you for a few months, they become an extension of your family.”
Q: Do you still keep in contact with your past players? “Yes, we had the pleasure of meeting our past season’s family and we stay in touch with not only the player, but the family as well. Plus, as a mom in the ‘techie’ generation, I love checking in on social media sites and seeing where they are with their lives! It’s always a proud moment when one of our past players gets an award or special recognition at their colleges.”
Q: Any advice for new host families or potential host families? “Embrace these young men as if they were your own family. For most, they have never stayed with another family… especially strangers. Imagine how you would wish to be accepted and treated in a strange town/home and go with it. Ask about their families, their hobbies beyond baseball, and what they like to eat. They will all say they aren’t picky and eat anything, but when you really push, you’ll get a specific list of likes and dislikes.”
Q: Any funny stories? “…because Ryan [2015’s Ryan Joyce] loved us so much, he hand selected our 2016 player. We’ll be hosting Hunter Heath [Joyce’s Oklahoma Baptist University teammate] who just was awarded Player of the Week by the Great American Conference. Looking forward to another great season!”